Monday, 26 September 2016

Having sex makes you more likely to believe in God, according to science | indy100

Having sex makes you more likely to believe in God, according to science | indy100

“I’m still angry”: Oliver Stone slams “superficial election,” media “idiots,” Orwellian U.S. politics -

“I’m still angry”: Oliver Stone slams “superficial election,” media “idiots,” Orwellian U.S. politics -

80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3 : Waking Times

80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3 : Waking Times

Breaking: Syrian Army Launches Offensive Against Israel In Golan Heights | Political Vel Craft

Breaking: Syrian Army Launches Offensive Against Israel In Golan Heights | Political Vel Craft

Jews in Hyper Damage Control Mode as New Mel Gibson Movie Gets Rave Reviews – Daily Stormer

Jews in Hyper Damage Control Mode as New Mel Gibson Movie Gets Rave Reviews – Daily Stormer

Watch: Duterte says US special forces must leave Mindanao, avoid becoming victims of Abu Sayyaf | Kicker Daily News

Watch: Duterte says US special forces must leave Mindanao, avoid becoming victims of Abu Sayyaf | Kicker Daily News

Monday, 19 September 2016

Bush DID 9/11: George Bush's Role in 9/11 EXPOSED (Mini Documentary) - YouTube

Bush DID 9/11: George Bush's Role in 9/11 EXPOSED (Mini Documentary) - YouTube

9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Complete Version - YouTube

9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Complete Version - YouTube

Five Reasons Why US-Israel Military Deal Stinks  : Information Clearing House - ICH

Five Reasons Why US-Israel Military Deal Stinks  : Information Clearing House - ICH

Russia: America Has Started World War 3 In Syria

Russia: America Has Started World War 3 In Syria

Putin's Adviser: Why Eurasian Union is a Better Deal Than the European Union - Fort Russ

Putin's Adviser: Why Eurasian Union is a Better Deal Than the European Union - Fort Russ

WORLDS MOST POWERFUL GUN !! US Secret Military Weapons # FULL VIDEO - YouTube

WORLDS MOST POWERFUL GUN !! US Secret Military Weapons # FULL VIDEO - YouTube

Friday, 9 September 2016

Chile is generating so much solar power that it's giving it away for free | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building

Chile is generating so much solar power that it's giving it away for free | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building

Top General Warns That NATO Wants to Turn Post-Soviet Space 'Into Another Syria'

Top General Warns That NATO Wants to Turn Post-Soviet Space 'Into Another Syria'

Russia sends world's largest submarine, with 200 nukes, to Syria

Russia sends world's largest submarine, with 200 nukes, to Syria

40 Top Military Brass Sign Open Letter, Stating The Need For Donald Trump As Commander-In-Chief -

40 Top Military Brass Sign Open Letter, Stating The Need For Donald Trump As Commander-In-Chief -

Foundational Question: Is Biology Engineering? - Evolution News & Views

Foundational Question: Is Biology Engineering? - Evolution News & Views

Syrian War: 'Nothing to Do With Daesh, It is Energy Battle for Future Pipelines'

Syrian War: 'Nothing to Do With Daesh, It is Energy Battle for Future Pipelines'

U.S. 'planned to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad' | Mail Online

U.S. 'planned to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad' | Mail Online

Duterte 'shocks' ASEAN delegates with pic of Filipinos killed by American colonizers - report

Duterte 'shocks' ASEAN delegates with pic of Filipinos killed by American colonizers - report

I don’t like Wahhabism OR Zionism – does that make me a bigot? | Veterans Today

I don’t like Wahhabism OR Zionism – does that make me a bigot? | Veterans Today

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

THE JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES . . . the hard truth is coming out . . . be prepared as you read this . . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

THE JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES . . . the hard truth is coming out . . . be prepared as you read this . . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

THE JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES . . . the hard truth is coming out . . . be prepared as you read this . . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

THE JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES . . . the hard truth is coming out . . . be prepared as you read this . . . ~J | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

UN to send 4,000 soldiers to South Sudan despite govt. opposition | Veterans Today

UN to send 4,000 soldiers to South Sudan despite govt. opposition | Veterans Today

7 things you never knew about dragonflies | MNN - Mother Nature Network

7 things you never knew about dragonflies | MNN - Mother Nature Network

China enters fray in Syria on Bashar al-Assad’s side

China enters fray in Syria on Bashar al-Assad’s side

US Threatens to Isolate Moscow Alongside Damascus Over Russian Support for Assad - ITCW

US Threatens to Isolate Moscow Alongside Damascus Over Russian Support for Assad - ITCW